Author: Buddy felt a call to missions at age 16 and made his first short-term mission trip to Mexico at age 19. He graduated from the Spanish Language School of Guadalajara, Mexico and received his theological training from the El Calvario Internacional Bible College in Guatemala, C.A. He has planted churches, served as senior pastor for 26 years and is now devoted full time to his passion of "making ripples in new ponds".
Developing strategic alliances, equipping and mobilizing leaders with a vision for church planting movements is the focus of Buddy's ministry.
From 2002 to 2012, Buddy organized and led hundreds of high school and college age students on short term mission trips into Latin America, the Carribean Islands and Africa. Seeing the impact on their lives and worldview led to a vision of starting the Empower School to offer students an extended and more intensive opportunity to find their place in God's Global Purpose.