We are called to serve each other and our community.
James says “Show me your faith apart from works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” This falls right after the infamous “faith without works is dead” line.
As believers, it’s God’s own faithfulness and love that compels us toward this service to others, so they might see God’s glory shine through our lives and to see how good He truly is. This is not a response to a commandment, but a natural reaction to God’s love.
Service looks different for everyone. Some are great with children. Others are musicians, singers, or good with a computer. One lady in our church (that will remain nameless) makes the best beef tenderloin I’ve ever eaten. When people are sick, getting home after delivering a baby, or sometimes just needing to be loved on; she blesses them with the talent God has given her, and cooks them a world-class meal.
Is she advancing the Kingdom of God, you ask?… You better believe it.
What has God given you a talent for?
- Food, cook, baking, or grilling
- Homeless and less fortunate
- Infants, children, young adults
- Sing or play an instrument
- Computers/tech
- Graphics and artwork
- People / companionship
- Elderly
- Gardening
- Pray
- Cleaning
- Mechanics
- Heating/AC
- Construction
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Decorating
- Painting
Are you getting the idea, yet? Anything can be used in service to God and others.
We’re all good at something. God blesses each person with these gifts and talents. We use these to glorify Jesus Christ in our lives, to bless others, simply as a response to how good He is. It’s up to you and God on how you use them. Every footstep can be an act of worship.
Food Pantry

Food Panty: 3rd Thursday of every month from 10am to 12pm.
Wednesday @ 10:00 a.m.
Unloading Truck
Wednesday @ 11:00 a.m.
Thursday @ 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Food Pantry
Volunteers are always needed.

Volunteers are always needed!
There is always a need for more help. The bible says that the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. This is the case. Every aspect of Victory Church is made better by it’s amazing volunteer staff members.
Don’t let this sound like under-appreciation of how God has blessed Victory Church. God blesses us, individually and as a body of believers, so we can bless others. The more help, the more people we can reach for God’s Kingdom together.