We’re wrapping up VBS with our Sunday morning worship! Well be gearing the whole morning toward them!
Wild About Jesus is the theme for this year’s Vacation Bible School! We’ll get to sing, play, and eat together, all while learning about our savor, Jesus! It’s going to be a good time! Signup at https://forms.gle/Hq1cjqmA2RUADTqE6
What does a Sunday Morning look like?
Show up a little early for prayer and coffee starting at 9am. We are informal and a “come as you are” church. You’ll see people in everything from shorts and flip flops, to decked out in dresses and suites. We’re glad to worship beside you, regardless of your attire.
Online viewing options:
Facebook (Live + Prerecorded) YouTube (Prerecorded Only)
We gather weekly!
Praise and worship kicks off every Sunday morning at 9:30am, but get there early to grab a coffee, pray and spend some time with each other! We should have everything ready to go by 9am.